Think of ways to expand your learning opportunities: ‘hire a tutor’:
With the new term starting you will want to get the best out of yourself and this will include maybe changing your learning method; the way you learn at school or adding additional learning methods whether that’s through hiring a tutor which can be highly beneficial towards you expanding your learning opportunities as you will be given lessons by highly qualified and experienced tutors. which can be expansion you needed; the extra attention of one-to-one learning.
Set goals:
Also, before the new term starts you will want to set your self- goals that you want to achieve; the reason you should set goals is that it gives you something to work towards and keeps you motivated until you achieve those grades. Also, when setting goals you should always set the minimum one better than your previous term as you will always want to be getting the best out of yourself. Setting goals also keeps you focused and helps you sustain the momentum you need.
Build routines:
Building a routine is vital as you will want to get into the habit of the routine you choose, for example having a routine where you are waking up extra early to make sure you get your breakfast in as well as make it to school on time or having a routine where you study at home everyday after school for at least an hour or two. Routines are important as it will get you in the right rhythm you need to be in and help you towards achieving your goals.
Invest in the right stationery:
When going back to school you should have the right equipment you need to work at school or at home. So it is important you buy the right stationery as there will be specific subjects that require specific equipment. Also, having equipment is key as you will most likely be studying at home as well as school so the equipment will come in handy.
Online learning and face to face tutoring
Genius Tuition offers online tuition/ and in home learning
Genius Tuition offers both online tuition and in home tuition (in selected cities) contact us and sign up today!